Painting collection "Equilibrium"
Kolekce sedmi obrazů nazvaná „Equilibrium“ je o hledání rovnováhy, souladu, harmonie. Rovnováhy mezi skutečným a neskutečným, dobrým a špatným, žitím a nežitím, světlem a temnotou a dalšími.
Obrazy z kolekce znázorňují náměty, které dávají do kontrastu dvě nebo více protichůdných hodnot ve snaze nalezení jejich souladu a získání uceleného obrazu.
The collection of seven paintings called "Equilibrium" is about the search for balance, harmony. Balances between real and unreal, good and bad, living and non-living, light and darkness and others.
The paintings in the collection show themes that put in contrast two or more conflicting values in an effort to find their harmony and obtain a unified painting.

COLLECTION - Equilibrium


ENGLISH (anglicky) Technique - Acrilic colors on 600x400 canvas Making time - about 4-5 hours Meaning The painting depicts the interconnection of four basic elements (fire,water,earth,air) into one whole with additional meanings of contrasts and their harmony. The elements are...

Escape from reality

ENGLISH (anglicky) Technique - 3 acrilic,phosphor,mettalic colors paintings on canvas 1 x 500x400mm 2 x 300x400 Making time - about 15-25hours Meaning The painting is divided into three separate parts (reality, escape, dream reality) forming one whole. Using unrealistic and real...

Light can not shine without the darkness

ENGLISH (anglicky) Technique - Acrilic colors on canvas Making time - about 4 hours Meaning The image as a whole with his motives mainly to point out the possibility of wrong setting of values ​​in the world and among people. The painting points this most out with his most...

Guardian of the dream

ENGLISH (anglicky) Technique - Acrilic colors on 1000x600mm canvas. Making time - about 15 hours. Meaning The painting have to show and emphasize how important are our dreams, ideas and goals and even more important to guard them and not give them up. But all the more to guard those we have already...

€clipse / Eclipse

ENGLISH (anglicky) Technique - Acrilic, metallic colors + liquid metal on canvas Making time - about 2-3 hours Meaning The motif of the image is intended to show the views and values of most people in this world. First and foremost, they will always see money, and money will...

Glowing fade

ENGLISH (anglicky) Technique - Acrilic colors on 500x400mm canvas. Making time - about 6-8 hours. Meaning The painting is about the gradual fade of glow and power in us. Which can be used to fulfill our own interests. Instead, we use it to fulfill the interests of others, making...

Secret dimension

ENGLISH (anglicky) Technique - Acrilic, metallic colors + liquid metal on canvas Making time - about 45minutes Meaning A secret unknown dimension is displayed here. The painting is focuses on the limited view from human. He sees only what is visible, palpable, superficial to...


Záznamy: 12 - 12 ze 19

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Hi. My name is MEARE (former name-SMCK,Smeck)
Im hobbyist artist-designer from Czech Republic.