ENGLISH (anglicky)
Technique - Acrilic and phosphor colors on 700x500 canvas
Making time - about 4 hours

The painting abstractly captures feelings of intense happiness, euphoria, joy.
It's all about the intense feeling that I've only experienced about three times in my life, since then I've also feel it, but not to such an extent. About the feeling that I think is actually the goal of every person in life to achieve it completely. The feeling when everything turning upside down and you still staying calm filled with a feeling of happiness, hope and joy at one moment, the future is rescheduled in a single little moment in your head and you see another five or more years ahead in absolutely different colors, even though the present may be however unfavorable, you are completely happy in the present moment and yes it scares you a little, but when it comes to the connection with something you really care about and feel that it is your right way, then a better feeling cannot be achieved.
So if we want to seek happiness, we will not find it in money or success or power. If we really want to find him, we will have to reach the very bottom and try to improving the reality of ourselves and our loved ones with our own actions and deeds, and only then we can really appreciate everything what life brings us. We can try to imagine what it would be like to have everything we desire or be the ruler of the whole world and what it would be really like? Having everything we want without much effort would actually be incredibly boring. The moment we fulfill all our goals or our wishes, we may achieve a momentary sense of satisfaction, but then there would probably be a much deeper and longer feeling of dissatisfaction either with the fact that we want more or with the fact that we start to take it as of course and we don't appreciate it, or it might give us satisfaction, but it would really be the "happiness"?
I have seen and met many people and one of the few things I can say is that the simpler and less demanding they are, the happier they are. So you could say that it would be enough to expect nothing from life (just to live in the present) and we will be happier, but that is also not entirely true. Probably it's about how and with what a person is born into the world, because if a person who is complex and demanding starts to expect nothing from the life (and just live the present with what he has) then yes he will be happier, but only in that he won't get so upset when something goes wrong or doesn't work out or that others do something wrong and he would do it better, but even so the problem is that then he just finds himself in a circle of depression, anxiety and feelings of failure and starts just get bored with this kind of inactivity. So where the real truth about happiness and euphoria is?  That is something that everyone must determine his own way, he will not find it in books or learn in the school or in any activity or in anything else, even though there are enough things that can make us feel that we are really happy, but is that really it? or just some momentary intoxication or confusion with another rather similar feeling? We may find it somewhere deep inside us, beyond the border of the world of time and space, in the middle of infinity of existence and non-existence, but that may too not be entirely true. The only thing we really know is that we don't really know anything about how everything actually works and the only thing we can do is to continue on our own right path that way we feel is really correct and good. We can learn from all our own mistakes and try to be the best version of ourselves, try to make our surroundings better and happier and maybe it all will once fits together and we find that everything had and has its meaning and in fact we have reached true happiness and fulfillment.

It's all about the intense feeling that I've only experienced about three times in my life, since then I've also feel it, but not to such an extent. About the feeling that I think is actually the goal of every person in life to achieve it completely. The feeling when everything turning upside down and you still staying calm filled with a feeling of happiness, hope and joy at one moment, the future is rescheduled in a single little moment in your head and you see another five or more years ahead in absolutely different colors, even though the present may be however unfavorable, you are completely happy in the present moment and yes it scares you a little, but when it comes to the connection with something you really care about and feel that it is your right way, then a better feeling cannot be achieved.
So if we want to seek happiness, we will not find it in money or success or power. If we really want to find him, we will have to reach the very bottom and try to improving the reality of ourselves and our loved ones with our own actions and deeds, and only then we can really appreciate everything what life brings us. We can try to imagine what it would be like to have everything we desire or be the ruler of the whole world and what it would be really like? Having everything we want without much effort would actually be incredibly boring. The moment we fulfill all our goals or our wishes, we may achieve a momentary sense of satisfaction, but then there would probably be a much deeper and longer feeling of dissatisfaction either with the fact that we want more or with the fact that we start to take it as of course and we don't appreciate it, or it might give us satisfaction, but it would really be the "happiness"?
I have seen and met many people and one of the few things I can say is that the simpler and less demanding they are, the happier they are. So you could say that it would be enough to expect nothing from life (just to live in the present) and we will be happier, but that is also not entirely true. Probably it's about how and with what a person is born into the world, because if a person who is complex and demanding starts to expect nothing from the life (and just live the present with what he has) then yes he will be happier, but only in that he won't get so upset when something goes wrong or doesn't work out or that others do something wrong and he would do it better, but even so the problem is that then he just finds himself in a circle of depression, anxiety and feelings of failure and starts just get bored with this kind of inactivity. So where the real truth about happiness and euphoria is?  That is something that everyone must determine his own way, he will not find it in books or learn in the school or in any activity or in anything else, even though there are enough things that can make us feel that we are really happy, but is that really it? or just some momentary intoxication or confusion with another rather similar feeling? We may find it somewhere deep inside us, beyond the border of the world of time and space, in the middle of infinity of existence and non-existence, but that may too not be entirely true. The only thing we really know is that we don't really know anything about how everything actually works and the only thing we can do is to continue on our own right path that way we feel is really correct and good. We can learn from all our own mistakes and try to be the best version of ourselves, try to make our surroundings better and happier and maybe it all will once fits together and we find that everything had and has its meaning and in fact we have reached true happiness and fulfillment.

CZECH (česky)
Technika - Akrylové, fosforové barvy na 700x500mm plátně
Čas tvorby - zhruba 4 hodiny

Obraz abstraktně zachycuje pocity intenzivního štěstí, spokojenosti, radosti.
Celé je to o intenzivním pocitu, který jsem zažil asi jen třikrát za život, od té doby ho sice také pociťuji ale ne v takové velké míře. O pocitu o kterém si myslím, že je vlastně cílem každého člověka v životě ho zcela dosáhnout. O pocitu kdy se vám převrátí vše vzhůru nohama a i tak zůstanete klidní naplnění pocitem štěstí, naděje a spokojenosti v ten moment se vám v jediné malé chvilce v hlavě přeplánuje budoucnost a vidíte dalších pět nebo více let dopředu úplně v jiných barvách i když může byt přítomnost jakkoli nepříznivá tak jste v přítomný okamžik naprosto šťastní a ano trochu vás to i vyděsí, ale když jde o spojitost s něčím, o co opravdu stojíte a cítíte, že je to vaší správnou cestou pak lepšího pocitu dosáhnout nelze.
Jestli tedy chceme hledat štěstí, nenajdeme ho ani v penězích ani v úspěchu ani v moci. Jestli ho opravdu chceme najít, budeme si muset sahat až na úplné dno a z něj vlastními činy a skutky zlepšovat realitu jak svojí, tak svých blízkých až teprve pak si můžeme všeho opravdu vážit. Můžeme si zkusit představit, jaké by to asi bylo mít vše, po čem toužíme nebo být vládcem celého světa a jaké by to skutečně bylo? Mít vše co chceme bez nějaké velké snahy, by byla ve skutečnosti neuvěřitelná nuda. V moment kdy bychom si splnili všechny své cíle nebo svá přání, tak bychom možná dosáhli nějakého chvilkového pocitu uspokojení, ale pak by pravděpodobně nastal mnohem hlubší a delší pocit nespokojenosti buďto s tím že budeme chtít pořád víc nebo s tím že to dosažené začneme brát jako samozřejmost a nevážíme si toho, nebo by nám to možná navodilo spokojenost, ale bylo by to skutečně to ono "štěstí"?
Viděl jsem a poznal už mnoho lidí a jednou z mála věcí co můžu říct je, že čím jsou jednoduší a méně náročnější tím jsou šťastnější a spokojenější. Dalo by se tedy říct, že by tedy stačilo od života nic neočekávat (prostě jen žít přítomností) a budeme šťastnější, ale to také není úplná pravda. Nejspíš je to v tom jak a s čím se na svět člověk narodí, protože kdyby člověk který je složitý a náročný začal nic od ničeho neočekávat (a prostě jen žít přítomností s tím co má) tak ano bude spokojenější, ale jen v tom ohledu, že se nebude tolik rozčilovat když se mu něco nedaří nebo mu nevychází nebo že ostatní dělají určitou věc špatně a on by ji udělal lépe, ale i přesto je problém v tom, že tehdy se jen ocitne v kruhu depresí, úzkosti a pocitů nenaplnění a začne se prostě nudit tímto druhem nečinnosti. Kde je teda skutečná pravda o štěstí musí asi zjistit každý sám, nenajde to ani v knihách ani ve studiu ani v žádné činnosti ani v ničem jiném i když je dost věcí co nám mohou navodit pocit, že jsme skutečně šťastní, ale je to skutečně ono nebo jen nějaké chvilkové opojení nebo zaměnění s jiným dost podobným pocitem? Možná ho najdeme někde hluboko v sobě za hranicí všeho světa, času a prostoru uprostřed všeho nekonečna býti i nebytí, ale to také nemusí být úplně pravda. Jediné co ve skutečnosti opravdu víme je, že o tom jak vše ve skutečnosti funguje, vlastně vůbec nic nevíme a jediné co můžeme dělat je pokračovat ve svojí vlastní správné cestě, tak jak sami cítíme, že je správná, poučit se ze všech vlastních chyb a snažit se být nejlepší verzí sama sebe, snažit se dělat své okolí lepší a šťastnější a možná do sebe vše jednou zapadne a zjistíme, že vše mělo a má svůj smysl a ve skutečnosti jsme došli skutečného štěstí a naplnění.